
 You can use ProducerRecord(java.lang.String topic, java.lang.Integer
partition, K key, V value) constructor
  to pass partition number.



On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Joe San <codeintheo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kafka users,
> The code below is something that I have to write to a Topic!
> def publishMessage(tsDataPoints: Seq[DataPoint]): Future[Unit] = {
>   Future {
>     logger.info(s"Persisting ${tsDataPoints.length} data-points in
> Kafka topic ${producerConfig.topic}")
>     val dataPoints = DataPoints("kafkaProducer", tsDataPoints)
>     val jsonMessage = Json.toJson(dataPoints).toString()
>     val recordMetaDataF = producer.send(
>       new ProducerRecord[String, String](producerConfig.topic, jsonMessage)
>     )
>     // if we don't make it to Kafka within 3 seconds, we timeout
>     val recordMetaData = recordMetaDataF.get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
>     logger.info(
>       s"persisted ${tsDataPoints.length} data-points to kafka topic:  " +
>         s"${recordMetaData.topic()} partition:
> ${recordMetaData.partition()} offset: ${recordMetaData.offset()}"
>     )
>     ()
>   }
> }
> How could I make this code write to a specific partition? currently my
> topic does not have partitions, so by default this code write to partition
> 0 of the topic!
> I'm using Kafka! Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Joe

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