I've implemented a new Kafka client in Ruby: https://github.com/zendesk/ruby-kafka
Currently I'm focusing on providing a rock solid Producer API (since that was the use case prompting me to write my own library) including graceful failure handling, improved logging and instrumentation. A Kafka 0.9 compatible Consumer API is on the roadmap. I know that most Kafka users will probably be using the official Java client, but if you use Ruby in your organization you may want to take a look at ruby-kafka. Furthermore, I'd love to get any experienced developers to take a look at the design, especially around error handling, retries, etc. If there are questions that you feel aren't sufficiently answered by the docs (http://www.rubydoc.info/github/zendesk/ruby-kafka/master) I'd love to know – I want the docs to be comprehensive and usage-oriented. The client is currently running in production at Zendesk, handling about 1,000 messages/s across our data centers. Best regards, Daniel Schierbeck