You should be fine if you have enough memory.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mayur Mohite [] 
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2016 12:50 PM
Subject: Larger socket buffer size configuration for kafka brokers on high 
bandwidth and high delay network


We have a 1 Gbits per sec bandwidth network with 200ms latency between producer 
and kafka brokers. Currently, the throughput of producer
(synchronous) is very low (1 message in 1.3 sec, in single message we send
100 lines).
We tried tweaking the tcp window sizes ( receive and send window increased to 
40 MB from 4 MB in sysctl.conf) and increased the socket buffer config in 
brokers (socket.receive.buffer.bytes) to 10 MB and we noticed a significant 
increase in the producer throughput (100 messages in 0.25 sec).

Before going live with this change we would like to know, if there are any 
disadvantages to having high socket buffer memory?


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