Hi all,

Is KAFKA-725 Broker Exception: Attempt to read with a maximum offset less
than start offset <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-725> still
valid ? We are seeing a similar issue when we are carrying out the yahoo's
streaming-benchmarks <https://github.com/yahoo/streaming-benchmarks> on a
4-node cluster. Our issue id is

We are using Kafka scala-2.10- 4 brokers are installed on 4 nodes
with Zookeeper on 3 of them. On each node, 4 producers produce data to a
Kafka topic with 4 partitions and 1 replica. Each producer has a throughput
of 17K messages/s. 4 consumers are distributed (not necessarily evenly)
across the cluster and consume from Kafka as fast as possible.

I tried logging the produced offsets (with callback in send) and found that
the "start offset" already existed when the consumer failed with the fetch

This happened only when producers are producing at high throughput.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Manu Zhang

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