Ah, that's a good idea. Do you know if kafka-manager works with kafka 0.9
by chance? That would be a nice improvement of the cli tools.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Scott Reynolds <sreyno...@twilio.com>

> Luke,
> We practice the same immutable pattern on AWS. To decommission a broker, we
> use partition reassignment first to move the partitions off of the node and
> preferred leadership election. To do this with a web ui, so that you can
> handle it on lizard brain at 3 am, we have the Yahoo Kafka Manager running
> on the broker hosts.
> https://github.com/yahoo/kafka-manager
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Luke Steensen <
> luke.steen...@braintreepayments.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > We've run into a bit of a head-scratcher with a new kafka deployment and
> > I'm curious if anyone has any ideas.
> >
> > A little bit of background: this deployment uses "immutable
> infrastructure"
> > on AWS, so instead of configuring the host in-place, we stop the broker,
> > tear down the instance, and replace it wholesale. My understanding was
> that
> > controlled shutdown combined with producer retries would allow this
> > operation to be zero-downtime. Unfortunately, things aren't working quite
> > as I expected.
> >
> > After poring over the logs, I pieced together to following chain of
> events:
> >
> >    1. our operations script stops the broker process and proceeds to
> >    terminate the instance
> >    2. our producer application detects the disconnect and requests
> updated
> >    metadata from another node
> >    3. updated metadata is returned successfully, but the downed broker is
> >    still listed as leader for a single partition of the given topic
> >    4. on the next produce request bound for that partition, the producer
> >    attempts to initiate a connection to the downed host
> >    5. because the instance has been terminated, the node is now in the
> >    "connecting" state until the system-level tcp timeout expires (2-3
> > minutes)
> >    6. during this time, all produce requests to the given partition sit
> in
> >    the record accumulator until they expire and are immediately failed
> > without
> >    retries
> >    7. the tcp timeout finally fires, the node is recognized as
> >    disconnected, more metadata is fetched, and things return to sanity
> >
> > I was able to work around the issue by waiting 60 seconds between
> shutting
> > down the broker and terminating that instance, as well as raising
> > request.timeout.ms on the producer to 2x our zookeeper timeout. This
> gives
> > the broker a much quicker "connection refused" error instead of the
> > connection timeout and seems to give enough time for normal failure
> > detection and leader election to kick in before requests are timed out.
> >
> > So two questions really: (1) are there any known issues that would cause
> a
> > controlled shutdown to fail to release leadership of all partitions? and
> > (2) should the producer be timing out connection attempts more
> proactively?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Luke
> >

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