Hey Jun,

I was expecting that you just used md5sum (GNU version).

The nice part of using it is that when scripting a check it has a -c option:

md5sum -c kafka_2.11-

The difficult bit with what is currently there, is that it has a whole
bunch of newlines and spacing in it. So I had to do some janky shell
scripting to parse out what I wanted. Here's the basic gist of it if anyone
finds this useful:

SOURCE_CHECKSUM=`md5sum kafka_2.11- | awk '{print $1}'`
TARGET_CHECKSUM=`cat kafka_2.11- | tr -d '\n' | awk '{ line
= sprintf("%s", $0); gsub(/[[:space:]]/, "", line); split(line, parts,
":"); print tolower(parts[2]) }'`

Not a huge deal I just think it would make it easier for folks to use the
former rather than GPG.



On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Jun Rao <j...@confluent.io> wrote:

> Xavier,
> The md5 checksum is generated by running "gpg --print-md MD5". Is there a
> command that generates the output that you wanted?
> Thanks,
> Jun
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Xavier Stevens <xav...@simple.com> wrote:
> > The current md5 checksums of the release downloads all seem to be
> returning
> > in an atypical format. Anyone know what's going on there?
> >
> > Example:
> >
> >
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/kafka/
> >
> > I see:
> >
> > kafka_2.11- 08 4F B8
> >                         0C DC 8C
> >                         72 DC  75
> >                         BC 35 19
> >                         A5 D2 CC
> >                         5C
> >
> > I would expect to see something more like:
> >
> > 084fb80cdc8c72dc75bc3519a5d2cc5c kafka_2.11-
> >

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