H. Why do I get the below when I use python kafka? Is this a buggy client?
LeaderNotAvailableError: PartitionMetadata(topic='topic-impression-production', partition=0, leader=-1, replicas=(), isr=(), error=5) What is most disturbing I get the below when I run describe from the command line. I gather no issue. There seems to be a clear leader. I am assume this is a python client issue? How do I debug? bin/kafka-topics.sh --describe --zookeeper 111.111.111:2181 --topic topic-impression-production Topic:topic-impression-production PartitionCount:2 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs: Topic: topic-impression-production Partition: 0 Leader: 26680 Replicas: 21441,26680 Isr: 26680 Topic: topic-impression-production Partition: 1 Leader: 26680 Replicas: 26680,21441 Isr: 26680 Thanks