The way to reset to smallest is to stop the consumer, delete the consumer
group from Zookeeper, and then restart with the property set to smallest.
Once your consumer has recreated the group and committed offsets, you can
change the auto.offset.reset property back to largest (if that is your


On Friday, December 18, 2015, Akhilesh Pathodia <>

> Hi,
> I want to reset the kafka offset in zookeeper so that the consumer will
> start reading messages from first offset. I am using flume as a consumer to
> kafka. I have set the kafka property to "smallest",
> but it does not reset the offset in zookeeper and that's why flume will not
> read messages from first offset.
> Is there any way to reset kafka offset in zookeeper?
> Thanks,
> Akhilesh

*Todd Palino*
Staff Site Reliability Engineer
Data Infrastructure Streaming

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