
We upgraded to the Confluent 2.0 platform today (we were earlier using the
Kafka 0.8 without the confluent platform). With the latest Kafka 0.9 that
is packaged with the platform we are facing issues starting the Mirror
maker with multiple consumer config files.

The original command that we were using with kafka 0.8 was,

bin/kafka-run-class kafka.tools.MirrorMaker  --consumer.config
mirrorCluster1Consumer.properties --consumer.config
mirrorCluster2Consumer.properties --consumer.config
mirrorCluster3Consumer.properties --consumer.config
mirrorCluster4Consumer.properties --producer.config
mirrorProducer.properties --whitelist "topic1,topic2"

With the current Kafka 0.9 release, the tool throws the following error

ERROR Exception when starting mirror maker. (kafka.tools.MirrorMaker$)
joptsimple.MultipleArgumentsForOptionException: Found multiple arguments
for option ['consumer.config'], but you asked for only one
        at joptsimple.OptionSet.valueOf(OptionSet.java:177)
        at kafka.tools.MirrorMaker$.main(MirrorMaker.scala:225)
        at kafka.tools.MirrorMaker.main(MirrorMaker.scala)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at kafka.tools.MirrorMaker$.main(MirrorMaker.scala:276)
        at kafka.tools.MirrorMaker.main(MirrorMaker.scala)

So I tried setting the --num.streams=4 option in the command, and it still
throws the same error, next I tried to use the --new.consumer option but
the tool fails again with the same error.

Not sure how to get the Mirrormaker tool running with multiple consumer
config files.

Could not find much documentation regarding this except for the one in the
kafka documentation (

ps : I was unable to post this in the confluent mailing list and hence
posting here.


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