Can a correlationID be created from a ConsumerRecord that will allow for identification of the corresponding RecordMetaData instance that was returned from the Producer.send() method?
I am Looking at the JavaDocs and the Producer returns RecordMetadata which has the following signature: RecordMetadata(TopicPartition topicPartition, long baseOffset, long relativeOffset) I am not sure if this can match to ConsumerRecord(java.lang.String topic, int partition, long offset, K key, V value) Can we match producer requests to Consumer Records by matching these values? RecordMetaData.TopicPartion.topic = ConsumerRecord.topic RecordMetaData.TopicPartion.partition = ConsumerRecord.partition RecordMetaData(baseOffset + relativeOffset) = ConsumerRecord.offset In other words, can a CorrelationID be created from these values that will allow Consumers to link back to the Producer send() event. (In the client calling code)