I was experimenting with the timeout setting, but as long as messages are
produced and the consumer(s) keep polling I saw little difference. I did
see for example that when producing only 1 message a second, still it
sometimes wait to get three messages. So I also would like to know if there
is a faster way.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 10:35 AM tao xiao <xiaotao...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi team,
> I am using the new consumer with broker version 0.9.0. I notice that
> poll(time) occasionally returns 0 message even though I have enough
> messages in broker. The rate of returning 0 message is quite high like 4
> out of 5 polls return 0 message. It doesn't help by increasing the poll
> timeout from 300ms to 1 second. are there any configurations that I can
> tune to fetch  data as quickly as possible?
> Both consumer and broker configs are default

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