Hello, I'm trying to find out which offsets my current High-Level consumers are working off. I use Kafka, with **no** "offset.storage" set in the server.properties of Kafka - which, I think, means that offsets are stored in Kafka. (I also verified that no offsets are stored in Zookeeper by checking this path in the Zk shell: **/consumers/<consumer_group_name>/offsets/<topic_name>/<partition_number>** )
I tried to listen to the **__consumer_offsets** topic to see which consumer saves what value of offsets, but it did not work... I tried the following: created a config file for console consumer as following: => more kafka_offset_consumer.config exclude.internal.topics=false` and tried to versions of the console consumer scripts: #1: bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --consumer.config kafka_offset_consumer.config --topic __consumer_offsets --zookeeper localhost:2181 #2 ./bin/kafka-simple-consumer-shell.sh --topic __consumer_offsets --partition 0 --broker-list localhost:9092 --formatter "kafka.server.OffsetManager\$OffsetsMessageFormatter" --consumer.config kafka_offset_consumer.config Neither worked - it just sits there but does not print anything, even though the consumers are actively consuming/saving offsets. Am I missing some other configuration/properties ? thanks! Marina I have also posted this question on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33925866/kafka-0-8-2-1-how-to-read-from-consumer-offsets-topic