Hi all,

Two corrections to the invite:

   1. The invitation is for November 18, 2015.  *NOT 2016.*  I was a little
   2. LinkedIn has finished remodeling our broadcast room, so we are going
   to host the meet up in Mountain View, not San Francisco.

We've arranged for speakers from HortonWorks to talk about Security and
LinkedIn to talk about Quotas.  We are still looking for one more speaker,
so please let me know if you are interested.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Ed Yakabosky <eyakabo...@linkedin.com>

> Hi all,
> LinkedIn is hoping to host one more Apache Kafka meetup this year on
> November 18 in our San Francisco office.  We're working on building the
> agenda now.  Does anyone want to talk?  Please send me (and Clark) a
> private email with a short description of what you would be talking about
> if interested.
> --
> Thanks,
> Ed Yakabosky
> ​Technical Program Management @ LinkedIn​

Ed Yakabosky

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