Another alternative is to checkout Kaboom


‎It uses a pared down kafka consumer library to pull data from Kafka and write 
it to defined (and somewhat dynamic) hdfs paths in a custom (and changeable) 
avro schema we call boom. It uses kerberos for authentication, and supports 
very high throughout.

It's still actively being developed, with a new release coming soon with 
enhanced configuration through a new rest api (kontroller).



Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the TELUS network.
  Original Message
From: Guozhang Wang
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 5:03 PM
Reply To:
Subject: Re: future of Camus?

Hi Adrian,

Another alternative approach is to use Kafka's own Copycat framework for
data ingressing / egressing. It will be released in our 0.9.0 version
expected in Nov.

Under Copycat users can write different "connector" instantiated for
different source / sink systems, while for your case there is a in-built
HDFS connector coming along with the framework itself. You can find more
details in these Kafka wikis / java docs:


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Henry Cai <>

> Take a look at secor:
> Secor is a no-frill kafka->HDFS/Ingesting tool, doesn't depend on any
> underlying systems such as Hadoop, it only uses Kafka high level consumer
> to balance the work loads.  Very easy to understand and manage.  It's
> probably the 2nd most popular kafka/HDFS ingestion tool (behind camus).
> Lots of web companies use this to do the kafka data ingestion
> (Pinterest/Uber/AirBnb).
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:56 AM, Adrian Woodhead <>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > We're looking at options for getting data from Kafka onto HDFS and Camus
> > looks like the natural choice for this. It's also evident that LinkedIn
> who
> > originally created Camus are taking things in a different direction and
> are
> > advising people to use their Gobblin ETL framework instead. We feel that
> > Gobblin is overkill for many simple use cases and Camus seems a much
> > simpler and better fit. The problem now is that with LinkedIn apparently
> > withdrawing official support for it it appears that any changes to Camus
> > are being managed by various forks of it and it looks like everyone is
> > building and using their own versions. Wouldn't it be better for a
> > community to form around one official fork so development efforts can be
> > focused on this? Any thoughts on this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Adrian
> >
> >

-- Guozhang

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