Hi Alexey Whether you commit offsets to Kafka itself (stored in offsets topic) or ZK or both depends on the settings in two properties: offset.storage and dual.commit.enabled (here <http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#consumerconfigs>). Currently ZK is the default.
Commits happen either periodically (auto.commit.enable=true && auto.commit.interval.ms) or explicitly. For example the high level consumer has a commitOffsets method. I expect the python bindings have a similar function. The rest proxy offers this function too. Hope that helps B > On 6 Oct 2015, at 23:06, Рябков Алексей Николаевич <a.ryab...@ntc-vulkan.ru> > wrote: > > Hello! > > Can somebody explain me how to use multiple consumers with different commit > storage... > For example, java-based consumers use kafka commit storage... > python-based consumers use zookeeper commit storage > > My question is: > Is it true that when one consumer commit to kafka, server also commit > automatically to zookeeper (so all consumers see the same commit) > Is it true that when one consumer commit to zookeeper, server also commit > automatically to kafka (so all consumers see the same commit) > Is it true that after server restart it read commits from kafka storage and > publish (sync) commit to zookeeper (so after server restart all consumers can > see also the same commit) > > Thanks in advance, Aleksey