Looking at the docs here ( https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Committing+and+fetching+c onsumer+offsets+in+Kafka), its possible to attach metadata as a string to each partition for the consumer group using the PartitionData constructor (http://apache.osuosl.org/kafka/0.8.2-beta/java-doc/org/apache/kafka/common /requests/OffsetCommitRequest.PartitionData.html) -Erik
On 9/17/15, 1:09 PM, "Petr Novak" <oss.mli...@gmail.com> wrote: >Hi all, >can I add custom metadata to the new commit topic which I could use to >recover my app? This would give me some level of consistency if I could >commit my additional data at once instead of writing them to another >topic. > >Many thanks, >Petr