Hi group,

I think I've hit the KAFKA-1561 and KAFKA-1211, that is follower's HW is
always <= leader's HW, then when leader transits, data loss can happen...
So what we could do is try to do every thing to avoid leader transition,

2015-09-14 11:59 GMT+08:00 Zhao Weinan <zhaow...@gmail.com>:

> Hi group,
> Sorry I'm confused with *min.insync.replicas: When a producer sets
> request.required.acks to -1, min.insync.replicas specifies the minimum
> number of replicas that must acknowledge a write for the write to be
> considered successful. *When talking about number of replicas, dose it
> include the leader?If it dose, then setting min.insync.replicas=2;
> unclean.leader.election.enable=false; replicationFactor = 3 and acks=all
> still could cause data loss, since the one replica that not catch up leader
> can still in ISR then can be cleaned elect as new leader when current
> leader gone, then the lag between this new leader and old-gone-leader is
> lost, right?
> Thanks!
> 2015-09-12 18:15 GMT+08:00 Zhao Weinan <zhaow...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi group,
>> I've been through some data loss on kafka cluster, one case maybe caused
>> by the auto preferred leader election.
>> Here is the situation: 3 brokers = {0,1,2}, 1 partition with 3 replicas
>> on 0/1/2, all in sync while 0 is leader and 1 is controller, current offset
>> is 100.
>> And here is my hypothesis:
>> a. Leader 0 is temporary gone due to instablity connection with ZK
>> b. Controller 1 found that 0 has gone then do a election which let 1(in
>> ISR) to be leader
>> c. A producer send 1 message to new leader 1, then offset is 101
>> d. Old leader 0 is back to cluster(*STILL IN ISR* because the lag not
>> exceed the *replica.lag.time.max.ms <http://replica.lag.time.max.ms>*
>> and *replica.lag.max.messages*)
>> e. Coincidentally, controller 1 start to
>> checkAndTriggerPartitionRebalance then decide 0 is more preferred, so let 0
>> to be back to leader
>> f. Broker 1 become to follower then found HW to be 100, so truncate to
>> 100 that lead to lost newest message.
>> With this situation, using most reliable settings(broker side:
>> unclean.leader.election.enable=false, min.insync.replicas=2; producer side
>> acks=all) is useless. Am I correct or just paranoia?
>> Below is some real logs from production.
>> I*n controller.log:*
>>> *// broker 6 tempraroy gone*
>> [2015-09-09 15:24:42,206] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 3]:
>>> Newly added brokers: , deleted brokers: 6, all live brokers: 0,5,1,2,7,3,4
>>> (kafka.controller.ReplicaStateMachine$BrokerChangeListener)
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:42,461] INFO [Controller 3]: Broker failure callback
>>> for 6 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:42,464] INFO [Controller 3]: Removed ArrayBuffer()
>>> from list of shutting down brokers. (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:42,466] INFO [Partition state machine on Controller
>>> 3]: Invoking state change to OfflinePartition for partitions
>>> [SOME_TOPIC_NAME,1] (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine)
>>> *// elect 3 which in ISR to be leader*
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:43,182] DEBUG [OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector]: Some
>>> broker in ISR is alive for [SOME_TOPIC_NAME,1]. Select 3 from ISR 3,4 to be
>>> the leader. (kafka.controller.OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector)
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:43,182] INFO [OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector]:
>>> Selected new leader and ISR {"leader":3,"leader_epoch":45,"isr":[3,4]} for
>>> offline partition [SOME_TOPIC_NAME,1]
>>> (kafka.controller.OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector)
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:43,928] DEBUG [Controller 3]: Removing replica 6 from
>>> ISR 3,4 for partition [SOME_TOPIC_NAME,1].
>>> (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:43,929] WARN [Controller 3]: Cannot remove replica 6
>>> from ISR of partition [SOME_TOPIC_NAME,1] since it is not in the ISR.
>>> Leader = 3 ; ISR = List(3, 4) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
>>> *// broker 6 back*
>> [2015-09-09 15:24:44,575] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 3]:
>>> Newly added brokers: 6, deleted brokers: , all live brokers:
>>> 0,5,1,6,2,7,3,4 (kafka.controller.ReplicaStateMachine$BrokerChangeListener)
>>> *// broker 6 is elected as leader by auto preferred leader election*
>> [2015-09-09 15:24:50,939] INFO [Controller 3]: Starting preferred replica
>>> leader election for partitions [SOME_TOPIC_NAME,1]
>>> (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
>>> [2015-09-09 15:24:50,945] INFO
>>> [PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector]: Current leader 3 for partition
>>> [SOME_TOPIC_NAME,1] is not the preferred replica. Trigerring preferred
>>> replica leader election
>>> (kafka.controller.PreferredReplicaPartitionLeaderSelector)
>> *And in server.log:*
>>> *// broker 3 truncating, lossing data*
>> 2015-09-09 15:24:50,964] INFO Truncating log SOME_TOPIC_NAME-1 to offset
>>> 420549. (kafka.log.Log)

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