Hi Madhukar,
Some questions that can help understand whats going on: Which kafka
version is used?  Which Producer API is being used
(http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#producerapi)?  And what are
the configs for this producer?

Also, because I know little about tomcat, is there a semantic for a
singleton, or a server singleton?

On 9/11/15, 8:48 AM, "Madhukar Bharti" <bhartimadhu...@gmail.com> wrote:

>We are having 3 brokers in a cluster. Producer request is getting failed
>for broker 2. We are frequently getting below exception:
>15/09/09 22:09:06 WARN async.DefaultEventHandler: Failed to send
>producer request with* correlation id 1455 to broker 2* with data for
>partitions [UserEvents,0]
>> java.net.SocketTimeoutException
>>      at 
>>      at sun.nio.ch.ChannelInputStream.read(ChannelInputStream.java:103)
>>      at 
>>      at kafka.utils.Utils$.read(Utils.scala:375)
>>      at 
>>      at kafka.network.Receive$class.readCompletely(Transmission.scala:56)
>>      at 
>>      at kafka.network.BlockingChannel.receive(BlockingChannel.scala:100)
>After looking into request-logs in all machines, found that there is some
>slowness in broker 2. I am listing top 20 request processing time from all
>the brokers.
>Broker 1
>  Broker 2
>                       Broker 3
>Producer + Fetcher
>            Producer +  Fetcher
>What can be the reason that fetcher thread taking more time to process?
>What we need to do to get better performance? Any properties we need to
>Any suggestion are welcome.
>Note: We are pushing data to Kafka in user thread(tomcat) and set producer
>request timeout to 2sec. We don't want to increase timeout more than 2
>sec., as if it too many threads will get hangup then application will be
>Thanks and Regards,

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