
Is there a simple way to set up a consumer that automatically picks up all the 
topics for all the partitions, dynamically extending its range as new topics 
get created?

The underlying idea is that we want to have a few over-arching consumers (I'm 
aware that's not great for the scalability, but that's not such a concern at 
present), to

-          Gather various statistics, metrics, system pressure, ... and 
dispatch to the appropriate  monitoring systems,

-          Apply some end-to-end business-logic testing, to continuously assert 
certain expectations (e.g. "if this-sort-of message arrived, then we expect 
that-sort-of-message to be received within this time" etc).

I'm sure I can piece something together that does this, but perhaps it comes 
out of the box. (Couldn't find it, though).
We're using the Java client and Kafka 8.2.1.

Joris Peeters

Research and Data Technology

+44 (0) 20 8576 5800

Grove House
27 Hammersmith Grove
London W6 0NE



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