Hey Shashank,

If you'd like to get started with the new consumer, I urge you to checkout
trunk and take it for a spin. The API is still a little unstable, but I
doubt that changes from here on will be too dramatic. If you have any
questions or run into any issues, this mailing list is a great place to get

Also, I think 0.8.3 is starting to get closer, but I'm not sure that any
specific dates have been announced.


On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Shashank Singh <shashank.ru...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> I am eager to get to use the enhanced Consumer API which provides better
> control in terms of offset management etc. As I believe from reading
> through forums it is coming as part of 0.8.3 release. However there is no
> tentative date for the same.
> Can you please give any hint on that. Also which is the best forum to ask
> questions on how these new APIs are shaping up and the details about the
> same..
> --
> *Warm Regards,*
> *Shashank  *
> *Mobile: +91 9910478553 *
> *Linkedin: in.linkedin.com/pub/shashank-singh/13/763/906/
> <http://in.linkedin.com/pub/shashank-singh/13/763/906/>*

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