Hi Alexey,

So, a couple things.  Your config seems to have some issues that would
result in long wait times,

You should try this configuration and see if you still have the issue:

retries=3 #Retry a few times to make it so they don¹t get dropped when a
broker fails, at least not right away
batch_size= 32768
metadata.fetch.timeout.ms=60000 # Default to give zookeeper a lot of time
to return the metadata
timeout.ms= 10000 #give kafka some time to respond before you consider it
a failure.
retry.backoff.ms=100 # Default. Keep this small so the producer fails
quickly enough times to know a broker is down
reconnect.backoff.ms=10 # Default. Same reason as above

Hopefully the explanations of the changes make sense.  At the very least,
I would try changing retires up to 2 first.  Also, what is your topic¹s

On 8/28/15, 8:36 AM, "Alexey Sverdelov" <alexey.sverde...@googlemail.com>

>Hi everyone,
>we run load tests against our web application (about 50K req/sec) and
>time a kafka broker dies (also controlled shutdown), the producer tries to
>connect with the dead broker for about 10-15 minutes. For this time the
>application monitoring shows a constant error rate (about of 1/10 all
>writes fail).
>Our spec:
>* web-app in tomcat writes to kafka
>* 3 node kafka cluster
>* kafka 0.8.2
>* new producer
>The producer config:
>timeout.ms= 1500
>I can poll our Zookeeper and check if all brokers are alive, but I think
>KafkaProducer checks it already.

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