Hi Tao

This is unlikely to be a problem. The producer is threadsafe (see here 
 so you can happily share it between your pool of message producers. Kafka also 
provides a range of facilities for improving parallelism in your pipe. These 
include batching messages for bulk transfer, along with callbacks to provide 
acknowledgement. Kafka obviously provides a great degree of parallelism across 

Hope that helps. 


> On 15 Aug 2015, at 17:19, Tao Feng <fengta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was told that only single thread handle client producer request in Kafka
> broker which may potentially be a performance problem with request queue-up
> if we have many small requests. I am wondering which part of the code I
> should read to understand the above logic
> Thanks,
> -Tao

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