Replica not available is not a fatal exception. This simply means that there is 
a replica that is down.

If you get Leader not available that means the partition is offline.


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> On Aug 15, 2015, at 8:41 AM, Andrew Otto <> wrote:
> Also strange:  If I start this broker back up, and then issue a kafkacat 
> metadata request, I do not see any 'Broker: Replica not available’, even 
> though this broker’s preferred partitions have not yet replicated back in 
> sync, and are not the leader.  Everything seems normal.
> Somehow this broker being offline makes the rest of the cluster think that 
> its none of its replicas are available.
>> On Aug 15, 2015, at 11:18, Andrew Otto <> wrote:
>> I am having trouble with a single broker causing consumers to lag.  As I am 
>> troubleshooting this issue, I have stopped this broker in the hopes that 
>> other replicas will take over as leader for this broker’s preferred 
>> partitions.  However, when I do so, Camus reports:
>> kafka.CamusJob: Skipping the creation of ETL request for Topic : 
>> webrequest_text and Partition : 3 Exception : 
>> kafka.common.ReplicaNotAvailableException
>> —describe shows:
>> Topic: webrequest_text    Partition: 3    Leader: 22    Replicas: 22,21,12   
>>  Isr: 22,21
>> However, when I use kafkacat to look at metadata (which asks for metadata 
>> from Kafka rather than Zookeeper), I see:
>> partition 3, leader 22, replicas: 22,21, isrs: 22,21, Broker: Replica not 
>> available
>> Doh!  Clearly there is a replica available.  I can use kafkacat and 
>> kafka-simple-consumer-shell to consume from this partition from either in 
>> sync replica just fine.
>> This happens for all partitions for whom the stopped broker was previously 
>> the leader.
>> Anyone know why I’d see something like this?  I have not seen this error 
>> before upgrading to
>> Thanks,
>> -Andrew

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