Hi, All

I have a question about kafka-python producer,  here is the record I have

id (uuid)  | sensor_id (character)  |  timestamp | period (int)  | current 
(numeric)  |  date_received |  factor (bigint)
"75da661c-bd5c-40e3-8691-9034f34262e3”  |  “ff0057”  |  "2013-03-21 
11:44:00-07”  |  60  |    0.1200  |    "2013-03-26 14:40:51.829-07”  | 7485985

I am getting data from database and publishing to kafka, I am having the error 
of timestamp & decimal serialization, can’t just publish each record as a list. 
I am thinking to convert each record to son object, before I do that, anyone 
knows more straightforward way to publish directly to a list (kafka consumer 
can read each record as a list or dictionary?



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