Yes - this is what is basically what is termed selectors in JMS or routing-keys 
in AMQP. 

My guess is that a KIP to implement this kind of server side filtering would 
not make it through. Kafka is a producer-centric firehose. Server side 
filtering wouldn’t really fit well with the original design goals. There are 
other broker-centric solutions out there already too that do this kind of thing.

Client side filtering seems more plausible architecturally, but would it really 
add much? You’d still have to supply a custom filter.

Having said all that, I may be completely wrong, I’m relatively new to this 
group. If anyone else has a more complete view please chip in. 

You could also promote the question to the dev group to reach a wider audience. 



> On 6 Aug 2015, at 18:55, Alvaro Gareppe <> wrote:
> Is this discussion open ? Cause this is exactly what I’m looking for.

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