
My kafka cluster has a __consumer_offsets topic with 50 partitions (the default 
for offsets.topic.num.partitions) but with a replication factor of just 1 (the 
default for offsets.topic.replication.factor should be 3).

From the docs http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html:

offsets.topic.replication.factor        3       The replication factor for the 
offset commit topic. A higher setting (e.g., three or four) is recommended in 
order to ensure higher availability. If the offsets topic is created when fewer 
brokers than the replication factor then the offsets topic will be created with 
fewer replicas.

I'm guessing there's a typo there? I'm guessing it should be:

If the offsets topic is created when fewer brokers than the replication factor 
[are active], then the offsets topic will be created with fewer replicas.

Or something along those lines?


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