Hi David, kafkacat does this with ease: kafkacat -b mybroker -t mytopic -p mypartition -o myoffset -c msgcount
If you are to pass the output to another program/script you may want to look in to the -f formatting option or -J for JSON. See here: https://github.com/edenhill/kafkacat Regards, Magnus 2015-07-25 2:20 GMT+02:00 David Luu <manga...@gmail.com>: > Hi, > > I notice the kafka-console-consumer.sh script has option to fetch a max # > of messages, which can be 1 or more, and then exit. Which is nice. But as a > high level consumer, it's missing option to fetch from given offset other > than earliest & latest offsets. > > Is there any off the shelf tool (CLI, simple script, etc.) that I can use > to fetch 1 or more messages from a given offset of some topic as a > consumer, then exit? Or do I have to write my own tool to do this from any > of the kafka libraries in various languages? If the later, is there any > where I can whip one up in fewest lines possible? I don't want to have to > read up and spend time crafting up a tool for this if I don't have to. > > Wish this feature was already built in to the kafka toolchain. > > Regards, > David >