Hey Stevo, I think ConsumerRecords only contains the partitions which had messages. Would you mind creating a jira for the feature request? You're welcome to submit a patch as well.
-Jason On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 2:27 AM, Stevo Slavić <ssla...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello Apache Kafka community, > > New HLC poll returns ConsumerRecords. > > Do ConsumerRecords contain records for every partition that HLC is actively > subscribed on for every poll request, or does it contain only records for > partitions which had messages and which were retrieved in poll request? > > If latter, then please consider adding a method to ConsumerRecords class, > "public Iterable<TopicPartition> getPartitions()" that the ConsumerRecords > has. I could provide a PR. > > Kind regards, > Stevo Slavic. >