
1. What you described sounds like a reasonable architecture, but may I
ask why JSON? Avro seems better supported in the ecosystem
(Confluent's tools, Hadoop integration, schema evolution, tools, etc).

1.5 If all you do is convert data into JSON, SparkStreaming sounds
like a difficult-to-manage overkill. Compared to Flume or a slightly
modified MirrorMaker (Or CopyCat, if it exists yet). Any specific
reasons for SparkStreaming?

2. Different compute engines prefer different storage formats because
in most cases thats where optimizations come from. Parquet improves
scan performance for Impala and MR, but will be pretty horrible for
NoSQL. So, I wouldn't hold my breath for compute engines to start
sharing data storage suddenly.


On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Tim Smith <secs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have had a similar issue where I wanted a single source of truth between
> Search and HDFS. First, if you zoom out a little, eventually you are going
> to have some compute engine(s) process the data. If you store it in a
> compute neutral tier like kafka then you will need to suck the data out at
> runtime and stage it for the compute engine to use. So pick your poison,
> process at ingest and store multiple copies of data, one per compute
> engine, OR store in a neutral store and process at runtime. I am not saying
> one is better than the other but that's how I see the trade-off so
> depending on your use cases, YMMV.
> What I do is:
> - store raw data into kafka
> - use spark streaming to transform data to JSON and post it back to kafka
> - Hang multiple data stores off kafka that ingest the JSON
> - Not do any other transformations in the "consumer" stores and store the
> copy as immutable event
> So I do have multiple copies (one per compute tier) but they all look the
> same.
> Unless different compute engines, natively start to use a common data
> storage format, I don't see how one could get away from storing multiple
> copies. Primarily, I see Lucene based products have their format, the
> Hadoop ecosystem seems congregating around Parquet and then the NoSQL
> players have their formats (one per each product).
> My 2 cents worth :)
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Daniel Schierbeck <
> daniel.schierb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Am I correct in assuming that Kafka will only retain a file handle for the
>> last segment of the log? If the number of handles grows unbounded, then it
>> would be an issue. But I plan on writing to this topic continuously anyway,
>> so not separating data into cold and hot storage is the entire point.
>> Daniel Schierbeck
>> > On 13. jul. 2015, at 15.41, Scott Thibault <
>> scott.thiba...@multiscalehn.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > We've tried to use Kafka not as a persistent store, but as a long-term
>> > archival store.  An outstanding issue we've had with that is that the
>> > broker holds on to an open file handle on every file in the log!  The
>> other
>> > issue we've had is when you create a long-term archival log on shared
>> > storage, you can't simply access that data from another cluster b/c of
>> meta
>> > data being stored in zookeeper rather than in the log.
>> >
>> > --Scott Thibault
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 4:44 AM, Daniel Schierbeck <
>> > daniel.schierb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Would it be possible to document how to configure Kafka to never delete
>> >> messages in a topic? It took a good while to figure this out, and I see
>> it
>> >> as an important use case for Kafka.
>> >>
>> >> On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 3:02 PM Daniel Schierbeck <
>> >> daniel.schierb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>>> On 10. jul. 2015, at 23.03, Jay Kreps <j...@confluent.io> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> If I recall correctly, setting log.retention.ms and
>> >> log.retention.bytes
>> >>> to
>> >>>> -1 disables both.
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks!
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Daniel Schierbeck <
>> >>>> daniel.schierb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> On 10. jul. 2015, at 15.16, Shayne S <shaynest...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> There are two ways you can configure your topics, log compaction and
>> >>> with
>> >>>>>> no cleaning. The choice depends on your use case. Are the records
>> >>>>> uniquely
>> >>>>>> identifiable and will they receive updates? Then log compaction is
>> >> the
>> >>>>> way
>> >>>>>> to go. If they are truly read only, you can go without log
>> >> compaction.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> I'd rather be free to use the key for partitioning, and the records
>> >> are
>> >>>>> immutable — they're event records — so disabling compaction
>> altogether
>> >>>>> would be preferable. How is that accomplished?
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> We have a small processes which consume a topic and perform upserts
>> >> to
>> >>>>> our
>> >>>>>> various database engines. It's easy to change how it all works and
>> >>> simply
>> >>>>>> consume the single source of truth again.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> I've written a bit about log compaction here:
>> >>>
>> http://www.shayne.me/blog/2015/2015-06-25-everything-about-kafka-part-2/
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 3:46 AM, Daniel Schierbeck <
>> >>>>>> daniel.schierb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I'd like to use Kafka as a persistent store – sort of as an
>> >>> alternative
>> >>>>> to
>> >>>>>>> HDFS. The idea is that I'd load the data into various other systems
>> >> in
>> >>>>>>> order to solve specific needs such as full-text search, analytics,
>> >>>>> indexing
>> >>>>>>> by various attributes, etc. I'd like to keep a single source of
>> >> truth,
>> >>>>>>> however.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I'm struggling a bit to understand how I can configure a topic to
>> >>> retain
>> >>>>>>> messages indefinitely. I want to make sure that my data isn't
>> >> deleted.
>> >>>>> Is
>> >>>>>>> there a guide to configuring Kafka like this?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
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