Hey Gwen,

Thanks for your response. The example was very helpful and exactly what I
was looking for! I went ahead and used that as an example and while most
things are working as I wanted, there are a few issues I'd like to follow
up on:

1. If I launch a Zookeeper/Kafka server from code instead of command line,
most of the helpful debugging/status messages will not be displayed -- is
there any way I can retain this functionality?

2. I created a scenario where I successfully launched a Zookeeper instance
from code, then connected to that Zookeeper server using a Kafka Server via
command line. I then instantiated both a Kafka-Console-Consumer and
Kafka-Console-Producer with the topic 'test'. I was able to send messages
to the consumer as expected, but I noticed that when I try to connect the
console consumer to the server I always get a 'Connection Refused' error to
my Kafka Broker. Any ideas why this might be occuring?


On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Jeff Gong <j.gon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is it possible to launch Kafka/Zookeeper servers via some part of the API?
> I noticed in this:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16946778/how-can-we-create-a-topic-in-kafka-from-the-ide-using-api/
> that it seems to be possible to create a ZK instance and add a topic to it,
> but is this the same as launching the ZK server as we would in the command
> line?
> Similarly, would it be possible to do this for a Kafka server and have it
> connect to an existing ZK connection?
> Thanks!

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