Hi, I use the following snippets to try to get fetch the offset in a SimpleConsumer I have committed (the commission has created topic __consumer_offsets):
fetchRequest = new OffsetFetchRequest( clientGroup, // What's the client group for simple consumer? partitions, (short) 1 /* version */, // version 1 and above fetch from Kafka, version 0 fetches from ZooKeeper correlationId, clientId); channel.send(fetchRequest.underlying()); OffsetFetchResponse fetchResponse = OffsetFetchResponse.readFrom(channel .receive().buffer()); But it keeps getting offset with value -1 and error code 3(no such topic/partition found). Does anybody know if it is possible to use OffsetFetchRequest to get offset for simple consumer because it requires client group? If it can, could anybody suggest me how to fetch it? Thanks! Samuel