Hi all, I'm using Kafka in production. My Kafka Config is pretty much vanilla, so (as far as I understand) offsets are being written to Zookeeper. As recommended, I want to start writing offsets to Kafka instead of Zookeeper.
I was surprised to see that the __consumer_offsets topic already exists. But let's assume that's ok. The topic has 50 partitions (which is the default) and a replication factor of 1. Of course, I only had 1 broker to begin with so it makes sense that the replication factor is 1 and not 3 (which is the default). Now that I've added more brokers, I want to increase the number of partitions to 200 (as recommended) and the replication factor to 3 (also as recommended). I'd like to do this before starting the process of migrating offsets to Kafka. What is the best way of increasing the partitions and replication factor of __consumer_offsets? Thanks, *Daniel Coldham* N.B. Recommendations taken from: http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/FAQ http://www.slideshare.net/jjkoshy/offset-management-in-kafka