Adding some more details to the previous question:

The indefinite wait doesn't happen on calling subscribe() on the consumer,
it happens when I (in this case) call seekToEnd().

A related problem to this is that the seekToEnd() method is synchronized
(as are the other access methods on KafkaConsumer), so the client holds a
lock while sitting in this wait. This means that if another thread tries
 to call close(), which is all synchronized, this thread will also be

Holding locks while performing network I/O seems like a bad idea - is this
something that's planned to be fixed?


On 17 June 2015 at 10:31, Jan Stette <> wrote:

> I'm trying out the new KafkaConsumer client API in the trunk of the source
> tree, and while I realise that this is a work in progress, I have a
> question that perhaps someone can shed some light on.
> I'm looking at how to handle various error scenarios for a Kafka client,
> in particular what happens when trying to connect to the broker but it's
> not available. The behaviour I'm seeing is that the client will retry
> indefinitely (at the configurable interval), basically looping around in
> Fetcher.awaitMetadataUpdate() forever.
> I would like to have some way to fail the connection attempt to avoid the
> calling thread being blocked forever. Is this possible with the current
> version of the client? (Snapshot as of 16/6/15). If not, is that something
> that's planned for the future?
> Jan

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