That's exciting news, looks very promising!
I've added PyKafka to the Clients wiki page.

Good work!

2015-06-08 21:24 GMT+02:00 Keith Bourgoin <>:

> Hi Kafka folks,
> I'm happy to announce the 1.0 release of PyKafka
> <>, a new Python driver for Kafka!
> This is an upgrade of an older library, named samsa, which was only
> compatible with Kafka 0.7.x. We've spent the last few months upgrading it
> to work with Kafka and revamping the codebase to be cleaner and
> more efficient.
> The biggest difference between PyKafka and other Python drivers is the
> inclusion of a balanced consumer implementation. We implemented the same
> balancing algorithm as the Java driver and PyKafka handles consumer
> registration via Zookeeper like the Java driver.
> We at have been using this driver in production for a few weeks
> and are confident in its stability. Even so, we're looking to add more
> features over the next couple months and are always trying to find ways to
> improve performance.
> You can find the project on PyPI <>,
> Github <> and our mailing list
> <>. We also wrote a
> blog
> post
> <
> >
> with a bit more info.
> Cheers,
> Keith.

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