Hello, I'm trying to create a custom consumer that given a offset returns all messages until now. After this is done, the consumer is not needed anymore, hence, the consumer does not have to continue consuming messages that are being produced.
The Kafka cluster exists of one broker and we only use one partition as well. My understanding is that I can use the SimpleConsumer API for this, but I'm a bit unsure on how to go about it. Would anyone mind helping me out or point me in the right direction? Cheers, Kevin -- Kevin Sjöberg -- Du skapar din faktura, vi skickar den och ser till att kunden betalar. Vi sköter allt, hela vägen tills fakturan är betald! Läs om Nox Finans här <https://www.fortnox.se/nox/?utm_source=signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=noxfinans&utm_term=fakturahantering> .