kafka version = i get the error log as follow:
INFO Partition [Topic_Beacon_1,10] on broker 4: Shrinking ISR for partition [Topic_Beacon_1,10] from 4,7 to 4 (kafka.cluster.Partition) ERROR Conditional update of path /brokers/topics/Topic_Beacon_1/partitions/10/state with data {"controller_epoch":16,"leader":4,"version":1,"leader_epoch":7,"isr":[4]} and expecte d version 5032 failed due to org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$BadVersionException: KeeperErrorCode = BadVersion for /brokers/topics/Topic_Beacon_1/partitions/10/state (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$) INFO Partition [Topic_Beacon_1,10] on broker 4: Cached zkVersion [5032] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip updating ISR (kafka.cluster.Partition) Only restart broker,the issue will fix, why the broker can not back to ISR for partition? and i find the same issue, http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/kafka-users/201404.mbox/%3CCAHwHRrW_vKsSpoAnhEqQUZVBT5_Djx3qbixsH8=6hAe=vg4...@mail.gmail.com%3E it point out kafka_0.8.1.1 fix the bug,so i want to know, what causes this problem. Thanks, Lax