Hi, I would like to start using Kafka, can I start from 0.9 or is it better to develop on and than migrate to 0.9 ? My plans are to be in production by september
Will a client (producer/consumer) be able to talk to 0.9 brokers ? Is there any public maven artifact for Kafka 0.9 ? thanks Enrico Olivelli Software Development Manager @Diennea Tel.: (+39) 0546 066100 - Int. 925 Viale G.Marconi 30/14 - 48018 Faenza (RA) MagNews - E-mail Marketing Solutions http://www.magnews.it<http://www.magnews.it/> Diennea - Digital Marketing Solutions http://www.diennea.com<http://www.diennea.com/> ________________________________ Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter per rimanere aggiornato su digital ed email marketing! http://www.magnews.it/newsletter/