1. We’re using version
2. No failures in the consumer logs
3. We’re using the ConsumerOffsetChecker to see what partitions are assigned to 
the consumer group and what their offsets are. 8 of the 12 process each have 
been assigned two partitions and they’re keeping up with the topic. The other 4 
do not get assigned partitions and no consumers in the group are consuming 
those 8 partitions.

Thanks for your help,

On 4/28/15, 1:40 PM, "Aditya Auradkar" <aaurad...@linkedin.com.INVALID> wrote:

>Couple of questions:
>- What version of the consumer API are you using?
>- Are you seeing any rebalance failures in the consumer logs?
>- How do you determine that some partitions are unassigned? Just confirming 
>that you have partitions that are not being consumed from as opposed to 
>consumer threads that aren't assigned any partitions.
>From: Dave Hamilton [dhamil...@nanigans.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 10:19 AM
>To: users@kafka.apache.org
>Subject: Re: Unclaimed partitions
>I’m sorry, I forgot to specify that these processes are in the same consumer 
>On 4/28/15, 1:15 PM, "Aditya Auradkar" <aaurad...@linkedin.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>Hi Dave,
>>The simple consumer doesn't do any state management across consumer 
>>instances. So I'm not sure how you are assigning partitions in your 
>>application code. Did you mean to say that you are using the high level 
>>consumer API?
>>From: Dave Hamilton [dhamil...@nanigans.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:58 AM
>>To: users@kafka.apache.org
>>Subject: Unclaimed partitions
>>Hi, I am trying to consume a 24-partition topic across 12 processes. Each 
>>process is using the simple consumer API, and each is being assigned two 
>>consumer threads. I have noticed when starting these processes that sometimes 
>>some of my processes are not being assigned any partitions, and no rebalance 
>>seems to ever be triggered, leaving some of the partitions unclaimed.
>>When I first tried deploying this yesterday, I noticed 8 of the 24 
>>partitions, for 4 of the consumer processes, went unclaimed. Redeploying 
>>shortly later corrected this issue. I tried deploying again today, and now I 
>>see a different set of 4 processes not getting assigned partitions. The 
>>processes otherwise appear to be running normally, they are currently running 
>>in production and we are working to get the consumers quietly running before 
>>enabling them to do any work. I’m not sure if we might be looking at some 
>>sort of timing issue.
>>Does anyone know what might be causing the issues we’re observing?

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