You can use the min.insync.replicas topic level configuration in this case. It 
must be used with acks=-1 which is a producer config.


From: Gomathivinayagam Muthuvinayagam []
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 5:07 AM
Subject: Kafka - preventing message loss

I am trying to setup a cluster where messages should never be lost once it
is published. Say if I have 3 brokers, and if I configure the replicas to
be 3 also, and if I consider max failures as 1, and I can achieve the above
requirement. But when I post a message, how do I prevent kafka from
accepting messages if there is only one server in this case? I see there is
an option to specify "acks" to be all. I am not sure how does it work?

Thanks & Regards,

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