On 4/27/15 2:59 PM, "Gwen Shapira" <gshap...@cloudera.com> wrote:

>@Roshan - if the data was already written to Kafka, your approach will
>generate LOTS of duplicates. I'm not convinced its ideal.

Only if the delivery failure rate is very high (i.e. short lived but very
frequent).  This batch semantics is not uncommon
also since Kafka had sync-batching in the past, it would not be new to
Kafka either.

But, like I had mentioned, there is an alternative to mitigate this
duplication... Return value could indicate failed messages.

Wanted to add.. That these failures typically assume that we got an
"error" back from Kafka Broker. There are other modes of failure (like
network glitches) which will means you only get some (potentially not very
informative) exception.

>What's wrong with callbacks?

The complexities of fine grained tracking  .. that I described in prev

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