What values do you have for below properties? Or are these set to defaults?



> On Apr 23, 2015, at 11:48 PM, Madhukar Bharti <bhartimadhu...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Once gone through code found that, While Producer starts it does three
> things:
> 1. Sends Meta-data request
> 2. Send message to broker(fetching broker list)
> 3. If number of message to be produce is grater than 0 then again tries to
> refresh metadata for outstanding produce requests.
> Each of the request takes configured timeout and go to next and finally
> once all is done then it will throw Exception(if 3 also fails).
> Here the problem is, if we set timeout as 1 sec then to throw an exception
> It takes 3 sec, so user request will be hanged up till 3 sec, that is
> comparatively high for response time and if all threads will be blocked due
> to producer send then whole application will be blocked for 3 sec. So we
> want to reduce this time to 1 sec. in overall to throw Exception.
> What is the possible way to do this?
> Thanks
> Madhukar
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 8:10 PM, Madhukar Bharti <bhartimadhu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I came across a problem, If we use broker IP which is not reachable or out
>> of network. Then it takes more than configured time(request.timeout.ms).
>> After checking the log got to know that it is trying to fetch topic
>> meta-data three times by changing correlation id.
>> Due to this even though i keep (request.timeout.ms=1000) It takes 3 sec
>> to throw Exception. I am using Kafka0.8.1.1 with patch
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12678547/kafka-1733-add-connectTimeoutMs.patch
>> I have attached the log. Please check this and clarify why it is behaving
>> like this. Whether it is by design or have to set some other property also.
>> Regards
>> Madhukar
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