FWIW, we've had good luck changing the mtime.  No problems found.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Todd Palino <tpal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I answered this in IRC, but the issue is that retention depends on the
> modification time of the log segments on disk. When you copy a partition
> from one broker to another, the mtime of the log segments on the new broker
> will be now. That means the retention clock starts over again. This means
> that your retention for those partitions will grow to 2 times what it
> should be, before dropping off to what you want.
> We deal with this a lot as well, which is part of why we keep a lot of
> headroom on our brokers when it comes to disk space. We've considered
> trying to change the mtime of the files manually after a move (we have a
> separate time-series database of offsets for every partition, so we can
> tell what the mtime of the file "should" be within 60 seconds), but we
> haven't done any experimentation with this as to whether or not it would
> actually work without problems.
> -Todd
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Andrew Jorgensen <
> ajorgen...@twitter.com.invalid> wrote:
>> I can't find any, but does anyone know of any bugs in that would
>> cause new brokers added to an existing cluster to ignore the per-topic
>> configuration for retention?
>> I had a 8 node cluster with a topic with per topic retention set
>> like: Configs:retention.ms=5400000. I attempted to add 2 more brokers to
>> the cluster today and transfer 3 of the existing partitions over to the new
>> nodes. In general, the existing nodes stay around 60% disk usage but the
>> new brokers start at around 60% and then fall over the course of about two
>> hours down to 0%. It is unclear to me why the new brokers are ignoring the
>> log retention time and seemingly keeping the logs indefinitely. Both the
>> existing brokers and the new ones have the same server.properties file
>> which the default log.retention.hours=24.
>> To add the new brokers I ran the reassign-partition tool and just moved 3
>> partitions from some other nodes to the new nodes, the reassignment seemed
>> to complete successfully, there are 30 partitions and 10 brokers so each
>> broker has 3 partitions.

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