+1  I was on a project that ended up not using kafka - and this was one
reason: there are many other third party libraries that do not even have
2.9 versions so the interdependencies did not work.

2015-03-27 7:34 GMT-07:00 Stevo Slavić <ssla...@gmail.com>:

> +1 for dropping 2.9.x support
> Kind regards,
> Stevo Slavic.
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Ismael Juma <mli...@juma.me.uk> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > The Kafka build currently includes support for Scala 2.9, which means
> that
> > it cannot take advantage of features introduced in Scala 2.10 or depend
> on
> > libraries that require it.
> >
> > This restricts the solutions available while trying to solve existing
> > issues. I was browsing JIRA looking for areas to contribute and I quickly
> > ran into two issues where this is the case:
> >
> > * KAFKA-1351: "String.format is very expensive in Scala" could be solved
> > nicely by using the String interpolation feature introduced in Scala
> 2.10.
> >
> > * KAFKA-1595: "Remove deprecated and slower scala JSON parser from
> > kafka.consumer.TopicCount" could be solved by using an existing JSON
> > library, but both jackson-scala and play-json require 2.10 (argonaut
> > supports Scala 2.9, but it brings other dependencies like scalaz). We can
> > workaround this by writing our own code instead of using libraries, of
> > course, but it's not ideal.
> >
> > Other features like Scala Futures and value classes would also be useful
> in
> > some situations, I would think (for a more extensive list of new
> features,
> > see
> >
> >
> http://scala-language.1934581.n4.nabble.com/Scala-2-10-0-now-available-td4634126.html
> > ).
> >
> > Another pain point of supporting 2.9.x is that it doubles the number of
> > build and test configurations required from 2 to 4 (because the 2.9.x
> > series was not necessarily binary compatible).
> >
> > A strong argument for maintaining support for 2.9.x was the client
> library,
> > but that has been rewritten in Java.
> >
> > It's also worth mentioning that Scala 2.9.1 was released in August 2011
> > (more than 3.5 years ago) and the 2.9.x series hasn't received updates of
> > any sort since early 2013. Scala 2.10.0, in turn, was released in January
> > 2013 (over 2 years ago) and 2.10.5, the last planned release in the
> 2.10.x
> > series, has been recently released (so even 2.10.x won't be receiving
> > updates any longer).
> >
> > All in all, I think it would not be unreasonable to drop support for
> Scala
> > 2.9.x in a future release, but I may be missing something. What do others
> > think?
> >
> > Ismael
> >

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