Hmm, I think Svante is correct, writes on disk-full would probably cause
the underlying file system to get in a bad state, and in that sense the
broker needs to be brought down for maintenance.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 3:49 PM, svante karlsson <> wrote:

> >4. As for recovering broker from disk full, if replication is enabled one
> >can just bring it down (the leader of the partition will then migrate to
> >other brokers), clear the disk space, and bring it up again; if
> replication
> >is not enabled then you can first move the partitions away from this
> broker
> >using the partition-reassignment tool and then do the same.
> I believe that this is handled in a rather abrupt way at the server. It
> will crash and if you have replication the partition leader will move.
> However you must manually solve the disk space issue before restarting the
> failed broker since replication will immediately crash it again.
> (The same thing also applies to a broken disk)
> I think that partition-reassignment requires a healthy broker but I might
> be wrong on this.
> /svante

-- Guozhang

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