Hi Emmanuel,

You can firstly run a kafka producer perf (bin/kafka-producer-perf-test.sh)
test with your storm consumers and kafka consumer perf (bin/
kafka-consumer-perf.test.sh) test with your own producers respectively to
see if the bottleneck is really in kafka.

Manu Zhang

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 6:31 AM Harsha <harsh...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Hi Emmanuel,
>        Can you post your kafka server.properties and in your producer are
> your distributing your messages into all kafka topic partitions.
> --
> Harsha
> On March 20, 2015 at 12:33:02 PM, Emmanuel (ele...@msn.com) wrote:
> Kafka on test cluster:
> 2 Kafka nodes, 2GB, 2CPUs
> 3 Zookeeper nodes, 2GB, 2CPUs
> Storm:
> 3 nodes, 3CPUs each, on the same Zookeeper cluster as Kafka.
> 1 topic, 5 partitions, replication x2
> Whether I use 1 slot for the Kafka Spout or 5 slots (=#partitions), the
> throughput seems about the same.
> I can't seem to read much more than 7000 events/sec.
> Same, on writing, I set a generator spout and write to Kafka on 1
> topic/5partitions with a KafkaBolt with parallelism of 5 and I can't seem
> to write much more than 7000 events/sec.
> Meanwhile, none of the CPU, IO or MEM seem to be a bottleneck:
> In Storm UI the bolts all show capacities <50%, sometimes much less (in
> the single digit %)
> Top shows CPUs being used at ~30% max
> We have another process moving data from Kafka to Cassandra and it gives
> similar throughput, so it seems related to Kafka more than Storm.
> What could be wrong?
> Sorry for the generic question but I would appreciate any hint on where to
> start to troubleshoot.
> Thanks

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