Any suggestions on how to measure throughput of the Mirror Maker Naidu Saladi 

    ----- Forwarded Message -----
  From: Saladi Naidu <>
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 10:31 PM
 Subject: How to measure performance of Mirror Maker
We have three Kafka clusters deployed in 3 DC's, each one having their own 
topics. We are using Mirror Maker to keep all the three clusters up to date 
with continuous  replication using Mirror Maker. We used Perf producer and Perf 
consumer to conduct basic testing, all seems to work great.
Our 2 DC's are in US, 50 miles a part well connected by MAN fiber, our 3rd DC 
is in Europe, which is connected with dedicated links to 2 DC's in US, round 
trip latency is around 300 ms. 
When we ran performance test, our client node where perf test scripts ran are 
in US DC's, I have observed very low through put (almost 1/100th),  I 
understand some part is due to  NW latency. Same will be applied to Mirror 
Maker as well right? 
Are there any tools to measure Mirror Maker performance in general and 
specifically in remote DC?    Naidu Saladi 


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