Hey Mathias,

Kafka Offset Monitor will give you a general idea of where your consumer
group(s) are at:


However, I'm not sure how useful it will be with "a large number of topics"
/ turning its output into a script that alerts upon a threshold. Could take
a look and see what they're doing though.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Mathias Söderberg <
mathias.soederb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good day,
> I'm looking into using SimpleConsumer#getOffsetsBefore and offsets
> committed in ZooKeeper for monitoring the lag of a consumer group.
> Our current use case is that we have a service that is continuously
> consuming messages of a large number of topics and persisting the messages
> to S3 at somewhat regular intervals (depends on time and the total size of
> consumed messages for each partition). Offsets are committed to ZooKeeper
> after the messages have been persisted to S3.
> The partitions are of varying load, so a simple threshold based on the
> number of messages we're lagging behind would be cumbersome to maintain due
> to the number of topics, and most likely prone to unnecessary alerts.
> Currently our broker configuration specifies log.roll.hours=1 and
> log.segment.bytes=1GB, and my proposed solution is to have a separate
> service that would iterate through all topics/partitions and use
> #getOffsetsBefore with a timestamp that is one (1) or two (2) hours ago and
> compare the first offset (which from my testing looks to be the offset that
> is closest in time, i.e. from the log segment that is closest to the
> timestamp given) with the one that is saved to ZooKeeper.
> It feels like a pretty solid solution, given that we just want a rough
> estimate of how much we're lagging behind in time, so that we know (again,
> roughly) how much time we have to fix whatever is broken before the log
> segments are deleted by Kafka.
> Is there anyone doing monitoring similar to this? Are there any obvious
> downsides of this approach that I'm not thinking about? Thoughts on
> alternatives?
> Best regards,
> Mathias

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