I have 35 topics spread with total 398 partitions (2 of them are supposed to be 
very high volume and so allocated 28 partitions to them, others vary between 5 
to 14).


> On Mar 13, 2015, at 3:25 PM, Joel Koshy <jjkosh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think what people have observed in the past is that increasing
> num-replica-fetcher-threads has diminishing returns fairly quickly.
> You may want to instead increase the number of partitions in the topic
> you are producing to. (How many do you have right now?)
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 02:48:17PM -0700, Zakee wrote:
>> Hi Mayuresh,
>> I have currently set this property to 4 and I see from the logs that it 
>> starts 12 threads on each broker. I will try increasing it further.
>> Thanks
>> Zakee
>>> On Mar 13, 2015, at 11:53 AM, Mayuresh Gharat <gharatmayures...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> You might want to increase the number of Replica Fetcher threads by setting
>>> this property : *num.replica.fetchers*.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mayuresh
>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Zakee <kzak...@netzero.net> wrote:
>>>> With the producer throughput as large as > 150MB/s to 5 brokers on a
>>>> continuous basis, I see a consistently high value for Replica Max Lag (in
>>>> millions). Is this normal or there is a way to tune so as to reduce replica
>>>> MaxLag?
>>>> As per documentation, replica max lag (in messages) between follower and
>>>> leader replicas, should be less than replica.lag.max.messages (currently
>>>> set to 5000)
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Zakee
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