The way offset management works with kafka is :
It stores offsets for a particular (groupId, Topic, partitionId) in a
particular partition of __consumer_offset topic.

1) By default the value is 50. You can change it by setting this property :
"*offsets.topic.num.partitions*" in your config.
2) No we don't have an API. But there is a ticket for those improvements :
KAFKA-1013 <>. There is
already a patch for this. We can add this to that. Would mind leaving a
comment there?



On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 5:13 AM, Madhukar Bharti <>

> Hi,
> I am using Kafka I have two topics with 10 partitions each.
> Noticed that one more topic exist named as "__consumer_offset" with 50
> partitions.  My questions are:
> 1. Why this topic is created with 50 partition?
> 2. How to get consumer group names for a topic? Is there any document or
> API to get all consumer group from Kafka offset storage manager like
> zookeeper we have /consumer which lists all consumers.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Madhukar

Mayuresh R. Gharat
(862) 250-7125

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