
We are using Kafka on the broker and 0.8.2 producer on the client.
After running for a few days, we have found that there are way too many
open file descriptors on the broker side. When we compare the connections
on the client side, we found some connections are already gone on the
client but still exists on the broker. Also there are connections on the
broker where the producer instances are already terminated.

We then did a netstat -o and found that the connections on the broker side
does not have keep-alive enabled (as timewait is "off"):

tcp6       0      0 kafka-xyz:7101 ip-a-b-c-d:33471 ESTABLISHED off

We suspect that because there is no keep-alive on the broker, there is no
probing on the idle connections and therefore no connection clean up.

There is a default 2 hours TCP keep alive set on the OS level on both sides:

net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200

On the producer side, keepalive is enabled on the connection:

tcp6       0      0 ip-a-b-c-d:33471    kafka-xyz.:7101 ESTABLISHED
keepalive (975.50/0/0)

Is there anyway to clean up the idle producer connections on the broker
side? Does keepalive helps cleaning up the idle connections?


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